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Documentation documentation


Run locally


git clone
cd project-idlab/docs/
bundle install
bundle update github-pages
bundle exec jekyll serve

Important docs/ files that aren’t straight up documentation

  • 404.html page displayed in the docs when no result is found.
  • app/ only available on the gh-pages branch. static build of the Svelte frontend, built through GitHub Actions in svelte-to-gh-pages.yml.
  • assets stores files like the crest svg, icons…
  • _config.yml is used to configure Jekyll.
  • .gitignore gitignore provided with Jekyll/GitHub Pages repo.
  • _includes/ contains excerpts & templates used in multiple pages
    • is a bash codeblock with a link to the repo, a cd command into the correct sub-part of the project, and then commands as defined in the include
    • is the content of the repo page page
    • creates a clean markdown link to the repo. Lower upkeep in case of repo changes, yay.
    • holds instructions to set up solidpod-testserver! These get re-used through multiple different pages.
  • _sass/custom/custom.scss is a scss file that gets applied to every page, currently used to scale images.
  • _site/ build artifacts from jekyll serve
  • Gemfile (& Gemfile.lock) Gemfile used when building the jekyll/github pages site locally.