Project Lynx

Welcome to our project, Lynx! Here to keep you informed on municipal taxes!

Do you like to stay informed on what decisions your municipality makes on taxes? Then you should keep reading about our project!

The project

Lynx is a linked open data web-based application developed for Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur (ABB) in collaboration with Open Summer of Code. Lynx aims to makes it easier to find information on local governments in Flanders or Brussels. So we can help them be more transparent. And allow you to do your own research on the most up to date tax decisions and regulations. As well as compare tax-related information between other municipalities.

The vision

The focus of Lynx lies in communication, we envision that Lynx will help many become more informed on what types of taxes are being requested in their local government, how these decisions are made and how to stay updated with the latest news. Additionally, Lynx might also help local governments improve their own agenda and decision-making process, while also having a better understanding of what other municipalities are doing with their taxes.

The team